PRO Broadband Absorber 2pcs*
*2 panels included
Recommended for: Control rooms, home or professional studios, recording rooms, live music halls, listening rooms...
Best for absorbing: LOW-MID to HIGH frequencies
Specifications per panel:
Dimensions: 104x64x12cm
Core: Ecose rock mineral wool
- density: 50kg/m3
- gas flow resistivity: >10000 Pa*s/m²
- fire retardant (HRN EN 13501-1): A1
- formaldehyde free
Fabric: Premium feel acoustically transparent fabric - Textum Kabal (295 g/m2)
Weight: 9kg
Frame: sturdy wooden frame with built-in 2cm air gap in the back for more bass absorption
Classification sound absorption (EN ISO 11654:1998): A
Sound absorption coefficient (EN ISO 354:2003):

Tested at IGH Institut in Zagreb, Croatia 2022.
Hanging options:
1. Wall mount: 2x sawtooth hangers with screws per panel
2. Ceiling mount: 4x eyehooks per panel (+5 EUR)
*Due to various wall construction types, wall anchors and screws are not included.